Ubuntu Counseling passionately works toward achieving what’s best for children in families going through custody disputes. Our expertise in child and adolescent development, combined with our research and clinical experience focusing on divorce, marital conflict, custody, and visitation issues, uniquely qualify us to help families going through this difficult time. Our goal in every custody consultation or evaluation is to provide parents with customized recommendations about what is in the best interest of their children. We spend as much time as needed in consultation with you and others, researching the literature, and reviewing your case until we have a thorough assessment of your children’s specific strengths, needs, and challenges. Going through a custody battle is one of the most stressful experiences any parent has to endure. We are here to help you save time, money, and stress by providing a professional and thorough evaluation focused on the best interest of your child.
• Determines the best interests of the child, and a plan that fits the unique needs
of each family
• Develops a shared parenting plan
• Provides recommendations based on a child’s developmental stage or age
• Can be used informally by parents to aid in their amicable decisions regarding
custody and visitation or in court proceedings
• Compatible with collaborative divorce model
• Helps with parental alienation
• Coaching for cooperative co-parenting
Contact us today to schedule an appointment or for more information.